

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My First Blog.

So here it goes... never thought I'd become a blogger but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. Unfortunately, I don't know the first thing about blogging... how to get followers... how often to blog... what to blog about... or who even cares in the first place. But I'm giving it a whirl. I love to write and I think starting it up right now is the perfect time for me. Here's why.

I'm sitting in the SDSU library (when I should be studying for my LAST final I have in 2 hours). In a couple hours, I will officially have one semester left of college. This last semester for me will be like any other. For starters, no soccer. I've been playing soccer my whole life and am finally coming to terms with the fact that I most likely will not continue playing at a higher level and will be hanging my cleats up for good. With that said, I'm ready for the real world. What exactly is in the "real world" or what part I will play in it is still up in the air. I started an internship at an online advertising company in downtown San Diego called Underground Elephant ( and it's legit! I love the people and the environment. I've been pretty stressed out this last semester, not knowing what lies ahead in the near future for me but UE could be a possibility of a job once I graduate. 

On the other hand... after living out in Boston last summer, I have never had such an amazing experience and have wanted to go back ever since. As soon as I got back to California, my mind has still been fixated on moving to Boston once I graduate. Call me crazy for wanting to leave the San Diego sunshine, but I'm ready for a new experience and this is the time to do it. I love cold weather (or so I think) but I've been forewarned that Boston brings a whole new meaning to the word cold. I decided I needed to check this out for myself and so I'm going back over christmas break! I couldn't be more excited and anxious to see if this is something I still want to do. 

As you can see, with all these changes taking place in my life pretty soon, I think a blog would be a great way to track my adventures and journey to my unseen future. I don't want this to just be about what I'm doing.. I can use a facebook status or tweet for that. I want to talk about any cool or interesting topics I'm into at the moment. From thigh high boots to mint chocolate chip cookies to the stair-master to the real housewives of atlanta... nothing is off topic. And I want to talk about them all!

So buckle up and enjoy the ride! I know I will :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm Ms. Southwick, I just HAD to be the first one to comment on your bran new blog. Ive known you for a looong time, and I want to hear about what your doing! lots of good and bad memories together, I'd like to hear about yours. I hope they will be all good. Talk to you soon Aub.
